Dean Holoien
Pitching Modules
Head Instructor
Former Softball Canada National Team Player ,
played Sr A Men’s across North America
Since 1992 Dean has played the game at the top level, playing with and against some
of the best fastpitch softball players in the World. Dean has won 4 Sr A Canadian
National Championships, 1 American National Championship and 1 ISC World
Championship. As a Pitcher and Designated Hitter, Dean became a member of Team
Canada in 1998 and played on ISF World Championship Teams in 2004 (New Zealand)
and 2009 (Saskatoon, SK.). Dean was inducted into the International Softball Congress
Hall of Fame in 2015. Dean was the pitching coach of Team Saskatchewan at the
Canada Games in 2013 and was the Men’s National Team Pitching Coach in 2017.